The Active Lifestyle
POwerlifting Team
Register to be a part of The Active Lifestyle powerlifting team. Registration fee is $25 for the 2021 year. We will help support you in your powerlifting journey, whatever stage you are at, if you are new to the sport, new to competing or an experienced lifter. We also support you in the 'little' things which are still very important. Handling and coaching for and during competitions, programming planning and help, and periodic team training sessions at the The Active Lifestyle studio in Mt Eden.
Your powerlifting and knowledge WILL improve this year.
Registration fee can be paid in cash to James or to ANZ Bank The Active Lifestyle - 06 0541 0726656 01

Mt Eden

Information about ream registration, competing, weight and age classes.
Competition Level Key
* Social Novice Comp - at club level, open to everyone regardless of experience. Low cost, no suit required, lots of fun.
**Novice Comp - at Auckland level, open to everyone regardless of experience. A bit more formal, higher cost (usually $40) and you only get one of these to trial before you have to register with Auckland Powerlifting to be able to do another one.
***Intermediate and above Comp - must be registered with Auckland Powerlifting and New Zealand Powerlifting to be able to enter. Can set Auckland records at these events if you have been registered 6 months plus. Must wear a suit at these events. Otherwise open entry (no qualifying events required).
****National Level Comp - must be registered with APA, NZPF, wear a suit, plus have reached the qualifying standard at a qualifying event (Auckland Champs and North Island Champs
*****International Level Comp - must have qualified via National Championships to participate in this event
S.O Comp - for special olympics athletes only (S.O athletes can compete in all other events on the calendar also).
Open: from the day he reaches 14 years and upwards (no category restrictions need apply).
Sub-Junior: from the day he reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which he
reaches 18 years.
Junior: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 19 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which he reaches 23 years.
Master I: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 40 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which he reaches 49 years.
Master II: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 50 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which he reaches 59 years.
Master III: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 60 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which he reaches 69 years.
Master IV: from 1 January in the calendar year he reaches 70 years and upwards.
Open: from the day she reaches 14 years and upwards (no category restrictions need apply).
Sub-Junior: from the day she reaches 14 years and throughout the full calendar year in which she
reaches 18 years.
Junior: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 19 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which she reaches 23 years.
Master I: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 40 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which she reaches 49 years.
Master II: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 50 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which she reaches 59 years.
Master III: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 60 years and throughout the full
calendar year in which she reaches 69 years.
Master IV: from 1 January in the calendar year she reaches 70 years and upwards.
**Competitive lifting shall be restricted to competitors aged 14 years and older.
We will have one mid year comp at CFEA for athletes under 14 years of age, focusing on technical aspects of their lifting.
Sub-Junior & Junior only-up to 53.0 kg
59.0 kg Class up to 59.0 kg
66.0 kg Class from 59.01 kg up to 66.0 kg
74.0 kg Class from 66.01 kg up to 74.0 kg
83.0 kg Class from 74.01 kg up to 83.0 kg
93.0 kg Class from 83.01 kg up to 93.0 kg
105.0 kg Class from 93.01 kg up to 105.0 kg
120.0 kg Class from 105.01 kg up to 120.0 kg
120.0+ kg Class from 120.01 kg up to unlimited
Sub-Junior & Junior only-up to 43.0 kg
47.0 kg Class up to 47.0 kg
52.0 kg Class from 47.01 kg up to 52.0 kg
57.0 kg Class from 52.01 kg up to 57.0 kg
63.0 kg Class from 57.01 kg up to 63.0 kg
72.0 kg Class from 63.01 kg up to 72.0 kg
84.0 kg Class from 72.01 kg up to 84.0 kg
84.0+ kg Class from 84.01 kg up to unlimited

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